Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Congratulations to the Gunston Players

What a pleasure it was to see the Gunston Players light up the Church Hill Theater for three splendid performances of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.  Indeed, I was so inspired that I penned this sorry little doggerel in their honor:

A Poem for our Players
by John Lewis
After weeks of rehearsing day and night
Our Players delivered great delight
It’s hard to say what entertained more
Samantha’s slaps, or Blaise’s snore.

For three days upon a dusty stage,
They brought to life a bard and sage,
We saw men of wisdom and great buffoons,
And a most unforgettable popping of balloons.

And alas, we thank our directors three
For the hours spent in the pursuit of glee
(and let’s not forget, the talented Hongyi)
Our Wiening, our Catherine, our Robinson,
Gave hours of critique, and direction, and fun.

Three days and nights we laughed aloud
At our players as they wowed the crowd,
Our regal Daniel, and his Catherine queen,
The Brothers Walls, and Morgan’s scream.

Oberon’s tiptoes, the longest in the land,
Added to his appearance grand.
And Jackie Gross, whose poise and class,
Gave hope and light to her love, the ass.

We loved Johnson’s wall and Bannon’s light,
Quince’s humor, and Demetrius’ fight,
Wegner’s suspenders and his shoes,
The fairies giggles, Lysander’s swoons,
We loved the singing, and the harp
Which I must say Jack Wilson, was pretty sharp.

Thus, tis my duty as your head of school,
He that is mostly fool, but sometimes cool
To declare, in thanks for a play so gay
That Wednesday, for our players, is a dress down day.

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