Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Education 2020

I follow the "Teach Paperless" blog, and in December of 2009, they published a post entitled "21 Things that will become obsolete in education by 2020."  At Gunston, we will be using this as a reference point for our ongoing conversations about the evolution of education, and as part of a discussion about how Gunston can maximize our small size and committment to personalization.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ernie's Army Goes on the Offensive!

Brian Schlosser and Logan Leverage finishing the job!
On Saturday, September 17th, a group of students and parents, organized by the new Gunston Parents Association, came to school to help beautify our campus.  After two hours of pulling vinca, raking leaves, and trimming hedges, everyone felt a sense of accomplishment, and it was a beautiful day to be outside.  By the end of the event, the front of Middleton was vastly more attractive!

Of course, every hour volunteered by our students and parents not only makes our campus more beautiful and binds us together in fun and fellowship, but in this era of limited resources, it also allows us to direct our resources to the areas that we care most about: student programming and teacher development. 

Alex Kukorowski and Blaise Dickinson
Susan and Lizzie Katz
My daughter Bea working hard!

Community Letter: School Opening

As we begin the 2011-2012 school year, see my community letter that outlines the major initiatives for the year and introduces our new faculty: Community Letter

The Gunston School

On August 11th, Gunston was formally reincorporated as The Gunston School.  We are still in process of reworking our viewbooks, website, stationery, etc.  Why did we decide to change our school's name?  See my letter to our community: The Gunston School.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nuestra Escuela Gunston

Last year I promised Senor Angarita that the winner of his Gunston promotional video in-class assignment would be posted on this blog.  Let me congratulate Tricia Athey, Jacqueline Gross, and Katherine Gross for their excellent work in capturing the essence of Gunston en espanol.

New Compost Bins

Mr. Darling digging the holes

Alden lifting boards

Last year Gunston was certified as a Maryland Green School, and in August, Andrew Sindermann (TGS '11) installed compost bins on campus as part of his Boy Scout Eagle Project.  With assistance from his parents, fellow troop members, Mr. Darling, and fellow Gunston graduate Alden Ruben (TGS '11), Andrew can proudly boast that his lasting legacy to Gunston is a site for decomposing food!  All joking aside, composting reduces waste, and by consequence, makes Gunston a better steward of the earth.  Well done, Andrew!

Andrew smiling as he builds the bins

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Getting Ready to Launch!

It has been a busy summer at Gunston, especially with the success of our new Summer Programs.  Led by our own Amy Gross-Kehoe, we saw more than 200 students on campus for sports camps, technology camps, rowing camps, environmental camps, and more.  We are already looking forward to next summer.

The Library, in process of renovation
Thanks to the funds raised in honor of the Everdells at Stop the Auction, one of the other major initiatives this summer has been the renovation of the Duffey-Blackwood Library.  We began by "weeding" the collection of un- or under-utilized books and we reworked the furniture layout in order to make the library more student friendly.  Over the next few months, we will see improvements in signage, layout, information access, and general resources.  Students will also have around 24 different periodicals to peruse.  The effort to convert the library will be guided by our own Ms. Wheatley.  

The Junior-Senior Center, painted Gunston green!

Finally, the Junior-Senior Center is nearly ready to launch.  Two of our student leaders, Charlie Fichtner and Tricia Athey, have done a great job to create a floor plan and thanks to Ernie Darling, the walls have been painted Gunston green.  The only thing left to do is get the furniture inside, decorate the walls, and for our own Seniors to "earn the keys" in a newly created ceremony.  Both the library and the lounge will be great student spaces!