Thursday, March 1, 2012

An Honorable Gunston Graduate

Several days ago in my Literature of Modern Asia course, our class Skyped with Adam Jacquet, a recent Gunston graduate who was severely wounded in an IED attack in Helmand province in Afghanistan.

It was great to speak with him, and after many months of rehab and recovery, his mood was buoyant and upbeat.  In our class, we are reading Rory Stewart's book The Places in Between, a travelogue about a British diplomat who walked across the country in 2001.  Our conversation with Adam brought the country of Afghanistan to life, and Adam helped all of us gain a deeper understand of the dynamics of the American involvement there.

As many of you know, Adam received his Purple Heart recently.  The entire Gunston community is proud of his service and grateful that he is recovering.

Stay tuned later this spring for information about our "Run for Adam" 5K Fundraiser.

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