Tuesday, October 19, 2010

An Important Announcement: Tony and Sarah Everdell

This letter was read to the students in today's morning meeting, is being sent by e-mail and hard copy to parents, and will be sent to all of our constituent groups today:

Dear Gunston Community:

I need to share with you some important and significant news that touches the entire Gunston community.  Tony and Sarah Everdell have informed me of their intention to retire at the conclusion of the academic year.  No combination of words can express the depth of gratitude the Gunston community owes to this special couple, and their retirement will not only be the end of their career at Gunston, but also the end of an era for our school. 

Regarding their decision, they write:

We love Gunston, and will miss teaching wonderful students and working with a first-rate faculty.  Maine beckons however.  We depart knowing that the school is strong, and is moving into an exciting future.  We will cheer from the sidelines. (Every corner is a goal!)

Tony and Sarah’s retirement is a moment of significant transition for them as a couple, and it is an equally significant transition for Gunston as a school.  While both of them have signaled to me that they don’t want any “fuss” or “hoopla” associated with their departure, I was sorry to inform them that we will indeed be making an appropriate amount of fuss and hoopla as we celebrate their lifetime of service to generations of Gunston students.

I have long believed that it takes only one teacher to change the course of a person’s life.  The voice of a great teacher becomes part of our own voice, and as Henry Adams once said: “A teacher effects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops.”  For generations of Gunston students, Tony and Sarah have been that great teacher, and both before and during our Centennial Weekend, I encountered student after student who shared with me the profound impact that Tony and Sarah’s loving guidance has had on their lives.

As the year progresses, I will keep you updated about the ways the Gunston community will be celebrating and commemorating Tony and Sarah’s combined seven decades of teaching at Gunston.  In the meantime, let us send our blessings to them as they begin the process of transitioning into what promises to be a dynamic and joyful retirement.


John A. Lewis, IV

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