Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The school year is upon us!

Although school has not officially started, Tuesday afternoon felt like the first "real" day of the school year.  The campus was buzzing with students and parents in the afternoon as our boys' soccer team and girls field hockey teams took on Holly Grove in the opening game of the year.  The athletic fields looked great, but the day was hot and steamy--to the point where the referees made the teams take mandatory water breaks--and both teams fought hard against tough opponents.

What made the afternoon truly special, however, was the "tailgate" party after the games held on the lawn next to the Middleton building, organized by our families.  Our ravenous student-athletes made quick work of the subs, drinks, and desserts, and it was wonderful to see both students and parents began the process of getting reconnected after this particularly hot summer.

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