Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ernie's Army Goes on the Offensive!

Brian Schlosser and Logan Leverage finishing the job!
On Saturday, September 17th, a group of students and parents, organized by the new Gunston Parents Association, came to school to help beautify our campus.  After two hours of pulling vinca, raking leaves, and trimming hedges, everyone felt a sense of accomplishment, and it was a beautiful day to be outside.  By the end of the event, the front of Middleton was vastly more attractive!

Of course, every hour volunteered by our students and parents not only makes our campus more beautiful and binds us together in fun and fellowship, but in this era of limited resources, it also allows us to direct our resources to the areas that we care most about: student programming and teacher development. 

Alex Kukorowski and Blaise Dickinson
Susan and Lizzie Katz
My daughter Bea working hard!

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