Sunday, November 6, 2011

Off the bookshelf: "The Element" by Ken Robinson

Last week at the AIMS conference, I had the opportunity to hear one of the world's experts on creativity, Sir Ken Robinson.  Sir Ken is the author of the highly regarded Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative, and he lectures around the world spreading the idea that creativity can be cultivated, and that the range of human ability is extraordinarily rich and diverse.

His new book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything is "a hymn to the breathtaking diversity of human talent and passion and to the extraordinary potential for growth and development."  Through dozens of vivid anecdotes, a review of the latest research on intelligence and creativity, and using his dry British wit, Robinson provides an inspiring roadmap for how individuals can cultivate and maximize their talents and passions.

The book resonated with me because it speaks to one of Gunston's core values: our desire to help each and every student discover, celebrate, and maximize their personal abilities and strengths.

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