Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spirit Week and Homecoming: A Good Start

It was great to keep my tie on the rack and wear my Gunston sweatshirt on Friday as the entire school was outfitted in Gunston apparel to kick off Spirit Week--the buildup to next Friday's Homecoming Festivities.  Kudos go to Victoria Prince for suggesting the "Gunston Spirit Day". 

In the afternoon, we sent a caravan of Gunston teams down to Worcester Prep, and our Field Hockey team defeated Worcester Prep in a battle of top ESIAC teams, with Eleanora Keene putting in the winning goal on strokes after a protracted double-overtime battle.

Each day during the upcoming week is a dress-up day, and Friday includes multiple games, a tailgate party, bonfire, and a movie.  Saturday night, of course, is the Homecoming Dance.  It should be a great week!

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