Sunday, October 3, 2010

Twenty Memorable Moments from Centennial

Our extraordinary Centennial Weekend has drawn to a close.  Here are twenty personal reflections/observations from this once-in-a-century weekend:
  1. Following the weather report beginning ten days before Centennial Weekend, and then tracking the slow pace of Tropical Storm Nicole as she dumped 7 inches of rain on the region, forcing us to postpone our golf tournament. 
  2. Seeing the Skipjack Elsworth pull into the Gunston waterfront on Friday afternoon after a majestic sail down the Chester River from Echo Hill.
  3. Watching the Gunston girls thump Worcester Prep, 3-0, in field hockey.
  4. Standing in the long food line of the Friday afternoon tailgate party, and chatting with parents, students, faculty, and alumni as they enjoyed the feast organized by the Keene's and the McCown's.
  5. Welcoming nearly 100 alumni into our home, and seeing the hugs and tears as alums from multiple decades and generations rediscovered old friends, teachers, and acquaintances.
  6. Digesting some of the desserts cooked up by my wife Laurie at this same alumni reception. 
  7. Chatting with 70's alumna Debra Kaden, who travelled back to Gunston all the way from San Diego, and hearing about how her life has gone from success-to-success.
  8. Waking up to a spectacular autumn Saturday, and thanking Aunt Mary for providing us a perfect day to celebrate.
  9. Finishing the 5K, though well behind both Laurie and Mrs. Grabis!
  10. Admiring the intensity with which our current students and alums engaged in the Green and White games, and seeing the occasional "bending" of the rules to ensure victory!
  11. Purchasing a brick for Heron Walkway, in honor of my parents' contribution to my education.
  12. Perusing the stories and photos in the Gunston Archive, located in our library, and learning interesting facts about the hundred-year history of our school.
  13. Touring the campus with former Headmaster Peter "Stick" Sturtevant, and welcoming former Headmaster Paul Long and his wife Dickie to the alumni dinner.
  14. Hearing current 12th grader Taylor Maykranz say in the Headmaster's Panel discussion, "When I arrived at Gunston, teachers cared about me so much that I learned to care about myself."
  15. In the same panel, listening to Joan Ellingston Marshall's reflections on the Victorian tone of Gunston life in the 1940's.
  16. Also in the panel discussion, hearing our Gunston School for Girls alumnae speak emotionally about how the school "saved their lives" and how Gunston became "home" and their "family."
  17. Going from room-to-room during the alumni receptions in the Academic Building, and when asking the lively group of alumnae from the 1980's how the school might better connect with our former students, receiving the suggestion, "Have a sleepover!"
  18. Reading Ishtar Abell's letter about Mary Middleton to the audience at the Alumni Dinner.
  19. Presenting the Middleton Cup to Sarah and Tony Everdell.
  20. Eating pancakes and omelets (per tradition, brown on the outside with American cheese on the inside) on Sunday morning with our soon-to-depart alums.
We wish all of our alumni a safe journey home!

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