Tuesday, November 2, 2010

In Celebration of Books: 2010

This was my first ICB, and it truly was a unique and extraordinary event.  From the opening keynote speech by David Haward Bain, to the multiple workshops led by our renowned invited authors (twelve of them, including the director of the Breadloaf Writers Conference, as well as the former Poet Laureate of Maryland!), to the engrossing poetry reading at the end of the day, ICB celebrated the magic of reading and writing, and it is a reflection of Gunston's commitment to ensuring that all of our students develop both sophisticated writing skills and their own personal writing "voice."  Here is a copy of my opening remarks at the morning assembly: In Celebration of Books 2010.
Nancy Taylor Robson tells the story of how she secured an interview with Russell Banks.

David Haward Bain speaks about the use of "artifacts" as an impetus for powerful writing.
"What are you going to do," asks Michael Glaser, "with your one wild and only life!?"

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