Thursday, November 11, 2010

Some recent articles on education in the news

Every once in awhile, I will seek to share relevant articles about education, learning, student health, college preparation, etc..  Here are a few items recently in the news:

  1. An interesting article on the relationship between exercise and intelligence: 
  2. Every quarter, the New York Times publishes a special section called "Education Life."  In the most recent section, the Times has teamed up with the Chronicle of Higher Education to explore issues related to the transition between high school and college.  This article discusses the current landscape of college admissions:
  3. Speaking of college admissions, perhaps the most well-known blog about college admissions is the Jacques Steinberg-inspired blog called "The Choice."  Steinberg is the NY Times correspondent who wrote the book “The Gatekeepers: Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College."
  4. Although this is not an article, a few months ago I came across one of the most extraordinary mathematics websites I've ever seen:  Enjoy!

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