Sunday, February 6, 2011

Headmaster's Holiday

A ski lesson for some of our international students
My first Headmaster’s Holiday was great fun, and although the 10-hour bus ride up to Seven Springs (normally 4 ½) made the first leg of the trip arduous, it was certainly a ride to remember.   Throughout the trip, there were many wonderful moments: the first-night pizza party (though the pizza was lukewarm due to our lengthy bus ride up), the feeling of warmth and camaraderie in our common room where we kept the TV locked on the Weather Channel as Snowmageddon ripped through the Eastern Seaboard, and of course, hours and hours of skiing in almost perfect conditions.  On Thursday night, Mr. Southworth and I even braved the bracing water of the swimming pool and Andy Doucet’s sharp elbows to participate in a high-energy contest of pool basketball.  I’m still shaking the water out of my ears!
Bea on skis!
Personally, I had the opportunity to see my daughter take her first-ever ski lesson (though she kept falling on purpose in order to eat snow), and a group of Gunston Seniors allowed me to chase them down the slopes on Friday morning.   In the final few hours of the final day of the trip, the students piled their bags and their bodies into the Wintergreen Room where they rested exhausted muscles, listened to iPods, and prepared for the journey home. 
The school year is always long, and it’s always hard work.  The Headmaster’s Holiday allows us to step away for a few days to enjoy each other’s company and to recharge our batteries for the final few months of the academic year.
Relaxing after a long bus ride up!

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